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The Constantine Doctrine asserts that religion and governance are, and should be, interwoven and that Christians should take a prominent role in shaping a nation's policies and laws. When Christians step up in public leadership, the result is a government that provides justice, freedom, and morality.

In this well-researched and sweeping historical chronicle, Dr. Jeff Darville not only separates fact from fiction but offers fresh analysis and insight for Christian leaders in America who may doubt their responsibilities and opportunities. The clear prose will capture your attention, causing you to carefully consider the historical and social precedent that strong faith and religious practice are intrinsic to public life.

Darville's clarion call is for believers in Jesus to stop checking their minds and souls at the door of the courthouses and legislative halls. We must look to the history of the church in Western Civilization and rise up by instilling Christian values into the public arena.

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Christian leadership in Western Civilization


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